Home Wellness Health & Awareness Top 10 Most Deadly Types of Cancer

Top 10 Most Deadly Types of Cancer


Cancer is one of the awful diseases. It is also the second most leading reason behind the deaths in the US. As per the researches, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will face cancer in their lifetime upcoming future. As per the Statistics, out of all cancer cases, only 5-10% of cancer cases are due to genetic disorders rest of 90-95% cancer victims are due to environmental and lifestyle factors.

The main causes behind this increasing level of cancer victims, smoking, tobacco
usage, lack of nutrition, heavy consumption of alcohol, increasing obesity, less physical activities and increasing exposure to pollutants. Here is the list of 10 most fatal Cancer among men and women:

Ovarian Cancer

woman holding hands to stomach header

Ovarian Cancer is the uncontrolled and abnormal growth of cells that occur in different parts of the ovary. It is merely impossible to detect Ovarian Cancer in the early stages as this form of cancer usually does not have symptoms that are associated with other issues. Therefore, it is also known as a silent killer. This form of cancer is easy to treat but the problem lies in detecting cancer.

The early symptoms of this cancer are sudden urgency to urinate, abdominal discomfort and pelvic pain. Mostly, Ovarian Cancer is common with the old age women with a median age of 63. It is most likely to occur to those having a strong family background of breast and Ovarian Cancer. However, if preventively ovaries and fallopian tube are removed through surgeries, the chances are less. Ovarian Cancer is also a threat to women who smoke a lot or are overweight.

Kidney Cancer

kidney cnacer

The form of cancer occurring in the kidney of men and women is known to be as Kidney Cancer.
There are basically four forms of Kidney Cancer, out of which two most common are Renal Cell Carcinoma and Transitional Cell Carcinoma. There is more possibility of Kidney Cancer in men than in women, while the median age is 55. The treatment of the Kidney Cancer basically depends on four factors including the type of cancer, stage of cancer, health of patient and symptoms.

The most commonly occurring symptom of Kidney Cancer is blood in urine and persistent pain along with mass in the abdomen. Heavy smoking increases the possibility of Kidney Cancer two-fold. Other reasons include obesity, the fault in genes, family history of Kidney Cancer or having kidney related diseases. People who have undergone surgeries for testicular or cervical cancer also have chances to get infected by Kidney Cancer.

Skin Cancer

skin cancer

Skin is one of the most important and the largest organ of the human body. Skin Cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells that tend to expand to the other body parts. Generally, Skin Cancer is caused due to the exposure of skin to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. The exposure to ultraviolet radiation is a threat to all three types of Skin Cancer, namely, Basal Cell Cancer, Squamous Cell Cancer, and Melanoma. The most serious form of all three types is Melanoma.

The risk factors causing Skin Cancer include a family history of Skin Cancer, extreme sunburns in the past, exposure to coal tar, pitch, and radium or arsenic compounds. The most common symptoms include the change in skin texture, growth of a mole or spot, a sore not healing since long, spreading of pigmentation, change in sensation as itchiness, pain or tenderness. The best way to prevent Skin Cancer is to avoid direct exposure to intense sunlight.

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Non Hodgkin Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) is a form of Blood Cancer in which white blood cells are also known as Lymphocytes are infected by this cancer. There are various forms of NHL depending on the growth of cancer from aggressive to indolent. Cancer can be easily diagnosed by the symptoms that involve a high fever, larger lymph nodes, and weight loss. It is said that NHL is more deadly then Hodgkin Lymphoma. NHL is more common in males than in females and it also increases with the age. This could be treated with the help of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, immune therapy, and vaccine therapy.

Urinary Bladder Cancer

bladder cancer

The urinary bladder is a hollow organ in the human body that collects the urine and leads to its excretion via the urethra. Urinary Bladder Cancer is caused due to the abnormal growth of the cells forming bladder which results in the formation of a tumor. There are higher chances of males suffering from bladder cancer than females. The most symptom of the disease is blood in urine.

Other symptoms involve irritation while urinating and pain in the lower abdomen. There is three to four times more probability of occurring to smokers than to non-smokers. In order to diagnose the bladder cancer, a method known is Cystoscopy is being performed.

Uterine Cancer

Uterine Cancer

Uterine Cancer or Womb Cancer is the form of cancer that affects the uterus. A uterus is a pear-shaped organ situated between the bladder and rectum in a woman. Uterus or Womb is an organ where a baby grows during pregnancy. Cancer begins in the woman’s reproductive system when the cells in the uterus grow uncontrollably and hence forms a Tumor. This tumor could b cancerous or non-cancerous.

The cancerous tumor has the ability to spread in other parts of the body. Basically, there are two major forms of Uterine Cancer such as Adenocarcinoma and Sarcoma. The former develops from the cells forming the lining of the uterus called endometrium and makes up more than 80% of Uterine Cancer. The latter develops in the supporting tissues of the uterus. The symptoms include unusual vaginal bleeding, difficulty in urinating and pain in the pelvic area.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Also known as Colon and Rectum Cancer, Colorectal Cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in both men and women. The Colorectal Cancer is caused by the uncontrollable growth of the cells in the lining of the colon and rectum which result in the formation of a tumor. The tumor could be benign or cancerous. The Colorectal Cancer often starts with the formation of a polyp, a non-cancerous growth. If the polyp is not treated or removes, it may potentially become cancer as it gets old.

This form of cancer occurs generally after the age of 50. Men are slightly more inclined to suffer from disease rather than women. There is a higher risk for those having a family history of Colorectal Cancer or to those who already have had some other type of cancer. The symptoms involve a change in bowel activity, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, blood in stool, weight loss and iron deficiency anemia. The treatment option includes surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy.

Lung Cancer

lung cancer

The formation of a tumor, nodule or lesion in the lungs is known as lung cancer. This tumor could develop anywhere within the lungs. There are basically two forms of Lung cancer as Non-small cell lung cancer and Small cell lung cancer of which the former is more common. Out of all forms of cancers, lung cancer accounts for 13% of total cancer diagnoses and 27% of the total deaths.

Treatments for lung cancer involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and targeted therapy. The lung cancer could be treated by any of the four measures depending upon the type and stage of cancer. The symptoms include fatigue, breath loss, chest pain, cough, coughing up mucus and blood. Lung cancer can also spread to the other parts of the human body- most commonly to the lymph nodes.

Breast Cancer

breast cnacer

When the cells in the breast of a woman grow uncontrollably and form a tumor and have a tendency to spread to other parts of the body than it is known as Breast Cancer. It generally spreads through the regional lymph nodes that are situated under the arm, neck, chest bone or above the collar bone. There are basically two forms of Breast Cancer as Ductal Carcinoma and Lobular Carcinomas.

The ductal carcinomas begin in the cells located inlining the milk duct while cancer that occurs in the lobules of the breast is lobular carcinoma. The possibility of Breast Cancer increases according to the increasing age of a woman. The most basic symptom involves the formation of knot-like structure or thickening in the breast, a sudden change in the size and shape of the breast, skin irritation, warm, red or swollen breasts, etc.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Malignant cancer that occurs in the prostate gland is Prostate Cancer.

The prostate gland is a small gland situated behind the man’s penis below the bladder. The prostate gland produces a seminal fluid that helps and supports in the transportation of sperm. Compared to other cancers, prostate cancer is unusual as tumors do not spread from the prostate. The symptoms involve the tendency to urinate frequently, weak or interrupted urine flow, blood in the urine and seminal fluid, pain or burning sensation.

Courtesy: listotop