Sun-Kissed Skin For Summer

Sun-Kissed Skin

Is Sun-Kissed Skin A Dream?

Sun-Kissed skin seems like a dream, as it’s getting oven hot in here day by day! This summer is going to be brutal. The rising heat and humidity from the soaring temperature could make your naturally active oil glands hyperactive. It will help if you have an intensive skincare routine as your first line of defense this summer to avoid T-zone, itchy rashes, sunburn, and premature signs of aging.

Do you want smooth, firm, and sun-kissed skin with a pinch of a tan this summer? Are you looking for a perfect sun-kissed look for a perfect selfie? From weather reports, it seems like it will be challenging to achieve this ‘perfect sun-kissed look. But if you follow the following tips, you can keep your skin’s natural glow in flow even in this temperature:

Think About Changing Your Facewash.

Note it down, and change your cleanser or face wash according to the requirement of the weather. During summer, the face produces more oil. If you are looking for sun-kissed skin, get a facewash that can help you control it.

Oily skin gets affected easily every summer as pores can get clogged, resulting in acne. Get a foaming face wash containing salicylic acid and wash your face twice or thrice for the summer.

Fellows with dry skin may experience redness and rashes. Get a non-soapy face wash to wash your face twice a day. The same applies to the combination-skin fellows. You should pick a gel-based face wash during the summer if you have normal skin. Make it a ritual to wash your face twice or thrice a day to feel fresh and for your dreamy, sun-kissed skin.

Get A Screen Of Sunscreen.

Suppose you don’t want sunburn, wrinkles, fine lines, and premature aging due to excessive UV exposure. Then, this is something that you shouldn’t forget at all. Apply sunscreen on all exposed parts of your body. It is vital. Buy a sunblock or sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Apply it twice during the day, especially when going out in the sun.

Apply A Punch Of Antioxidants.

Buy only those serums, moisturizers, and sunscreens that contain an additional punch of antioxidants. Let’s take vitamin C, your protector for the skin from environmental damage. It boosts collagen development. Please, invest in natural extracts and antioxidant-based creams and serums. It reduces inflammation and also repairs your skin.

If you want to go for something natural to achieve sun-kissed skin, then you can rub a tomato slice on your face after cleansing and leave it for 5-10 mins. Then wash your face. It can also do the same, but only if you do it repeatedly.

Eat Some Antioxidants.

Antioxidant topical application is not enough for skin care. For smooth and glowing skin, it is necessary to nourish it. What you apply to the skin should be part of your diet too. Seasonal foods, such as pineapples, citrus fruits, fresh berries, seafood, and vegetables, contain essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. These increase collagen production, reduce inflammation, repair your skin, keep it protected from the effects of the sun and give you sun-kissed skin.

Sip, Sip, Sip.

Drink eight glasses of water daily for fresh, acne-free, glowing skin. Good water intake keeps skin hydrated, improves the digestive system, and flushes out toxins from your body. Especially whenever you go out, you must carry a water bottle and keep sipping to get sun-kissed skin.

Go Easy On Makeup.

Your skin needs to breathe more when it’s summer. So, go minimal when it comes to makeup; as minimal as possible will be great for your skin in summer. Pick a tinted moisturizer with SPF instead of foundation. Use it with face powder to avoid any patchy spots. Avoid lipsticks and use tinted lip balms with SPF. Use kajal instead of heavy eye makeup.

Rub, Rub, Rub.

To give your skin a radiant look, you must gently exfoliate it. Exfoliating the skin will not only buff away the dead skin cells but also keep the skin healthy and glowing and heal any irritation or sunburn. Whether you are exfoliating skin with any homemade or branded product, please ensure that you don’t over-exfoliate it; otherwise, it could be scrub-kissed instead of ideal sun-kissed skin.

Change Your Moisturizer.

Oily skin doesn’t need any moisturizer in summer is a myth. The reality is it is essential to moisturize skin in summer. In winter, you need to go with a heavy moisturizer, while in summer, you need a light moisturizer. Go with a non-greasy SPF moisturizer to lock your skin with essential moisture.

Do Not Forget The Eye Area.

It’s summer, and it is time to take care of the body’s most delicate area, ‘your eyes.’ Whenever you go out in the sun, you must wear sunglasses. Do apply moisturizing eye cream around the eyes. Pick an eye cream with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, honey, and cucumber.

Always Take Cold Water Showers.

Don’t go for hot showers and steam baths in summer to keep your skin hydrated. It will help if you take a cold-water bath to keep skin pores unclogged. Cold-water bath is also suitable for preventing acne breakouts.