It’s Just Scissor and Paper Chemistry…


This a universal truth that Art has no particular definition, everyone can define it in his own way. Today, I am going to share a beautiful definition of art that is defined by a Japanese artist ‘Hina Aoyama’. This artwork is so light and this work is eye-grabbing and mind-blowing. Seriously, not everyone can do this kind of artwork. The much more interesting thing is that she used only a scissor and pieces of papers for this artwork, is not it amazing? This shows how much creative this artist is. Truly very creative!

Hina Aoyama was born in Yokohama, Japan. Now living and working in Paris, France, where she creates this extraordinary, delicate, very delicate work. Her main tools are small scissors, paper, God gifted talent and a lot of hard work. According to her, the creation of one job can take several hours to a whole week of hard work. She cuts from paper drawings, texts and glues them to the fabric, or glass.

It would seem that even a child can cope with scissors, but to create such work of art by virtue of an adult is not for everyone. Every detail, every curve is evident, one wrong move and everything you need to redo the work.