How to look young like Norma Kamali


The gorgeous, graceful, glowy, famous fashion designer Norma Kamali still looks young and in spirit at 76, but not for lack of effort. So, how to look young like Norma Kamali? Ms. Kamali pioneered the sleeping bag coat, high-heeled sneakers, the wear-anywhere look we now call Athleisure, and early integration of fashion and wellness is serious about her skincare. Last year, she introduced her wellness line, Normal life, and, more importantly, her diet and fitness regimen. She shared her philosophy of “aging with power” and some secrets of her timeless beauty in her new wellness book, “I Am Invincible.”

Skin Care Simplicity

As per Norma Kamali, 75, her routine is pretty simple. Norma said that I do three steps every day and night. I clean it, exfoliate it, and put on some of my Normalife Glow, a moisturizer and tanner, two in one. As you grow older, you realize less is more. The best skin care products are available, but you don’t need so much.

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Norma said I don’t use eye cream. I use my moisturizer for everything. After all these years of using 59 million products, I realized that having just a few products that can do all these things is wonderful. I think of my mother who used Pond’s Cold Cream, and she had beautiful skin. My mother never washed her face with soap, ever. She takes off her makeup with ponds and moisturize her skin.

As far as SPF goes, Norma avoids using SPF goes due to some issues with ingredients in SPFs. She uses only mineral-based SPFs, and the ones from Europe are good. She also likes the Pipette Mineral Sunscreen. But not every day.

Norma said suppose I’m on a boat, then sure, I’ll put it on. But I wouldn’t do it every day. I don’t feel good about putting such stuff on my skin when I’m taking good care of it in another way.

Minimal Makeup

Like many other celebrities, Norma also used to carry makeup. She used to wear red nails and red lips. Even did eye shadow up to there. She even used to shaved her eyebrows for many years though luckily she still has them.

It’s low maintenance now. I tweeze, let the natural shape go, and brush up them with the NYX Tinted Brow Mascara in Brunette. I use a little mascara. Currently, I’m using Cover Girl Exhibitionist Mascara in Black and Brown. Sometimes, I wear a little liner, but mostly, I don’t.


Then I use Hurraw! It’s a plant-based balm that comes in different flavors. I do Cherry flavor on my lips, a translucent stain, then I put it on my face, my cheeks. It’s just the right shade of pink. If I’m going out, I use Glow. It develops more as the night gets older. I put it all over my face except under my eyes. I’m Lebanese and Spanish so, I have circles there. Occasionally I use Glossier Stretch Concealer in G10, especially in the winter, to counteract that.

Dyed Hair

Also, I still dye my hair. I am talking about aging with power, and people ask me, “Why don’t you wear your hair gray?” I don’t feel gray; I feel this. Gray hair is a whole other commitment. I have this remarkable woman, Afaf Benjelloun, who approaches color from a safety perspective; Ammonia gets to me; she uses ammonia-free dyes.

The secret of shampooing is less is more. But the truth is because I work out a lot and sweat like crazy, I have to rinse my hair, but I might only put on conditioner. I like to use the Moérie Mineral Hair Growth and Repair Mask.

If I’m washing, I use the Moérie Mineral Hair Repair Shampoo. I stopped blow-drying my hair, I used to blow-dry and iron everything, but now I have to figure out what my hair wants to do. It intends to frizz up though my hair is straight.

So I use May 11 Hair Oil; I put on the teeniest amount of it. I apply it before I go into the shower. I massage it and put on a shower cap, and that limits my frizzies. If it’s humid out, you can apply again. Sometimes I take a little oil and use it on my ends, wrap my hair and sleep with it.

I cut my bangs myself, and I haven’t cut my hair since the Covid once it is over and then celebrate it by cutting my dead ends off.

Patchouli Lover

I love having a calming scent on my pillow like you’re floating on a cloud. I don’t use candles; I like to experiment with oils. Patchouli has always been a favorite; I love rose, lavender, and gardenia.


Diet, Fitness, and Sleep

Working out and having a good diet is your biggest self-esteem booster, more than any beauty routine. As you go through the decades, demands come from the body and mind, so you can’t cheat that often.

I’ve been known to consume a whole loaf of bread if I see bread because I need olive oil, but that only happens once a day. I do not drink; I chose to part ways with alcohol in my 40s. Consuming alcohol is like drinking sugar. Sugar is not only unhealthy but can cause extreme aging. I will definitely age quickly if I consume sugar and alcohol.

Working out is also essential for good skin; it doesn’t matter what kind of exercise. If you exercise daily, you’re doing yourself and your skin a favor. Freestyle dancing is what I adore the most. Hours can pass when dancing to wonderful music. To me, freestyle dancing’s a great way to work out.

The Physique 57 method is very effective; You can design the body you want. There are some intense classes, and I watch them on demand; I’ve also tried Alo Yoga classes on demand. I love working out; it’s essential for my head because all these Zoom meetings where I’m sitting on my butt are not making me happy at all.

And last, my sleep is vital. Sleep makes up around half of the pie when it comes to exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Sleep restores your body and every cell in your system. You appear more gorgeous when you’re in better health. And you can look good even without makeup; that is incredibly empowering.

Other Services

Can you see my facial veins? I get them zapped at the dermatologist. I also tried acupuncture face-lifts; I swear by them.

I’ll try anything if it’s not permanent. I’ve tried Botox, the micro-needling, and the blood facial PRP. I’m OK with lines and crevices on my lips; I haven’t done filler for those.

I’m not against any of that, If something is good and doesn’t make me look like I am in the witness protection program, I’d try it, but if I don’t have lines on my face, I will look like a fraud. How come a 75-year-old has no lines on her face?

Picture Credit: The Times & NewYou Magzine