Home Beauty Skincare DIY Face Masks For Men

DIY Face Masks For Men

DIY Face Masks For Men

You probably assume that “DIY Face Masks For Men” especially using kitchen ingredients are a little too, well, “girly.”

That’s what I used to believe—not that being “girly” is wrong.

Well, my dear gents, now is the time to rethink…

Face masks are no longer reserved for ladies well-earned ‘me time’ but now it is an essential component of a man skincare regime. Our skin, regardless of gender, requires appropriate care and attention, particularly in the current era where a poor diet, long, exhausting days, and rising temperatures all have a negative impact on both internal and external health. Even the masculine skin that’s described as ‘Rough and tough’, needs care as men are equally exposed to hot summer rays, pollution and dirt that can make skin dull, dark and acne-prone.

It’s also true that frequent shaving causes the men skin to become harder. Therefore, if you think that you don’t need to take care of your skin, you should reconsider. Bad news is that men skin has no immunity to damages caused by free radicals, sun exposure, acne, and other skin conditions. Even it is more vulnerable then the women’s skin as it is more ‘Rough and tough’. So, still feel like a caveman when it comes to skin care?

Therefore, whether you are searching the internet for face masks made specifically for men or trying to convince your boy to give them a try without putting any pressure on your wallet? We’ve rounded up four DIY face masks for men that you can make from the items on your kitchen counter. All you need are kitchen ingredients and some me-time.

Say Good-Bye to Aging

DIY Face Masks For Men This DIY face mask for men is putting a full is stop to slow down the aging process. Bananas are known for their many antioxidants, so why not use them on your skin? This mask will help fight wrinkles and moisturize your skin.

What You Have To Do

  1. Mash half of a ripe banana with a fork until smooth.
  2. Add in one-fourth cup of yogurt and one teaspoon of honey.
  3. Stir ingredients to form a paste.
  4. Apply the face mask to the freshly washed face and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes.

Remove the mask with warm water and pat the face dry. Applying this DIY face mask for men to prevent aging should be done at least once a week to keep your skin smooth, hydrated, and glowing. 

Purify With Papaya DIY Face Mask

Papaya Face MaskTurmeric has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants. It is used in traditional medicine to treat skin issues and promote skin health. Turmeric along with papaya makes an amazing DIY face mask that bring a healthy glow men skin.

What You Have To Do

  1. Mash the 1/2 cup of ripe papaya and mix it with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  2. Apply this to the problem area and allow it to dry completely.
  3. Slowly scrub the pack off once it dries.
  4. Rinse the area with cold water.
  5. Repeat this once every week. 

You can apply this purifying face mask 1 or 2 times a week to replenish and brighten your skin.

Go Sour with Lemon Face Mask

Lemon MaskDo you know? Lemon is a key ingredient in most of the DIY face mask recipes. Lemons have an excellent property to reduce or control oil in the face. In addition, it can also make the skin brighter. You can use lemon on any skin type.

What You Have To Do

  1. In a bowl, combine 1tbsp lemon juice, 1tsp honey, and 3-4 drops of olive oil. Make sure you create a nice lemon-honey-olive oil paste.
  2. Before applying this DIY mask, wash your face with warm water.
  3. Apply the mask unto the face evenly and leave it to dry for about 20-25 minutes.
  4. Rinse your face with water and wipe it with a clean towel.

Coat Face With Oats Face Mask

Oatmeal face maskFor men who are experiencing acne, this is the perfect face mask for you. Oatmeal helps eliminate a lot of excess oil lingering on the skin pores. The mixture may be sticky, but it effectively cleans the face and fights off acne.

What You Have To Do

  1. Pulse 1/2 cup rolled oats, two tablespoons brown sugar (or demerara sugar), and one teaspoon ground cinnamon in a food processor until finely ground; tip into a bowl. 
  2. Stir 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil, followed by ½ cup water, to form a thick paste. 
  3. To use, spread half the mask on a clean face and neck; leave for 20 minutes. 
  4. Rinse the mask off with warm water, then pat the face dry. 
  5. Mask will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Hopefully, these DIY face masks will aid you in letting you boost your confidence as you flaunt your smooth, glowing skin to the world.

Thanks for spending the time to read!