60 Best Ways To Get Your Life Back On Track

happy again

Life has an unpredictable and funny way of throwing tough curve balls at us. One moment you are in the seventh heaven, and the next, it is like someone has pulled out the rug from under you. Isn’t it sad?

Either because of a lot of hurdles or chronic clinical depression, or a recent tragedy, you forget to be happy. You start feeling down like the end of the world has arrived, and no good things will happen to you again. You fail to address your feelings when life gets you down; forget there is always a way.

It is never late to be happy again; you have to put in a little effort to win back the happiness, which is your right. Here are ways to shake off sadness and feel happy again, not from the outside only but from the inside out:

1. Start Talking To Yourself

Sounds crazy? Yes! But it is OK! to talk to yourself. It is crucial to communicate with yourself first. How? Start writing down how you feel regularly. Though there are other ways too essential to communicate with yourself, it is the most effective one. It gradually starts you mentally separate yourself from your depressed thoughts and gives you control over your emotions.

2. Move Your Body.

Life should move on, and so your body! Sadness or depression comes with bad mood swings, which make you feel down, leading to staying sedentary. Exercise releases endorphins and boosts your mood, making you feel good. So, move your body, baby!

3. Reconnect with old friends.

Have you reconnected with yourself? Now it is time to reconnect with your old friends. Have they stopped calling you? No worries! Take the initiative; call them yourself. Give value to them without any expectations. Keep this in mind what we give, we get back. Don’t isolate yourself.

4. Find The Purpose Of Life.

What are you doing on this planet? Most of us skip this question or don’t even bother to think about it. Every problem is the best opportunity to find our life purpose to thrive. Our life purpose is our guiding light. Start an activity that gives you a sense of purpose and direction.

5. Try Something New.

Try something new to take life to another level. Something you never thought you would enjoy, and even you are terrified of something. You never know what you can achieve, who you can meet, or what new passion you can develop.

6. Go, Travel, Explore.

Traveling is an exciting way to explore yourself. It makes you feel free and relaxed. It’s human nature to explore, so don’t go against it. Shake up your life by adding more pace to it. Whether on a day trip or vacation, take some time for yourself and do some traveling.

7. Read Books.

Honestly, books are our silent and most reliable friends. A University of Maryland study has found that those who read are happier, and it is a fact. Books kick out the hustle and bustle of daily life and make us learn something new. Escape your everyday life for a while.

8. Help other people.

People who positively impact others’ life are indeed the happiest. Helping other people not only brings you a renewed sense of joy but opens unlimited options for you to lead a happy and purposeful life.

9. Talk to someone new.

We see people on most days but don’t talk to them. Maybe the helper at your work or someone at your gym? Spark up a conversation with them to create some new human connection.

10. Meditate.

Meditation is a proven way to gain focus on mindfulness will allow you to enjoy the moment you are in and let go the past or future stressors.

11. Be Grateful

Start thinking and counting every blessing in your life, and be grateful. In short, from today onwards, start counting your blessings. It reduces depression when you are purposefully feeling appreciative.

12. Mind that you are not alone.

We always have some support system. Whether it is our friends, family, or co-workers, there are people in our life who support us.

13. Don’t refer to yourself as being “depressed.”

Referring to yourself as “Depressed” will only make things worse for you. You are the only power that can save you from being a victim of this killer feeling, can you? Stop thinking to yourself that you are depressed. It will not get you anywhere.

14. Allow yourself to feel the pain.

Pain is a temporary feeling, and everyone has to have it from time to time. However, please don’t allow this feeling to define you. Allow yourself to feel it, but don’t make it your identity.

15. Let go of insecurities.

Sure, this is not an easy task. But kicking out the insecurities is something you must do to create a peaceful and happier life. Identify where you feel insecure and start working on it to feel better about yourself in these areas.

16. Look for the best in other people.

To eliminate the negativity:

      1. Start consciously looking for the best in others to recognize the best in yourself.
      2. Show your best to other people to capture the best of others.
      3. Try your best to Avoid pessimism.

What you find in life is what you are looking for in your life. Don’t look for the negative. Only look for the positive.

17. Stop giving excuses.

Making excuses for every failure, inaction, or negative outlet only feeds the unhappiness and hopelessness inside you. Allow yourself to have actual reasons for feeling unhappy, but don’t allow these reasons to stop you from moving forward in your life.

18. Learn to let go of resentments.

Let go of the past, forgive people who did wrong to you, and move on; it is hard, tough indeed, but not impossible. Maybe you won’t be changing the past but creating the best future for yourself.

19. Stop over-thinking things.

Our fears cause us to look too deeply into things for no reason; you will create more problems for yourself. Life is a bit short to overthink and ruminate.

20. Give people around you and yourself a chance.

People in our life come and go, and each of them has something to offer or teach us. It is essential to consider everyone you meet as a valuable and vital part of your personal growth.

21. Stop comparing yourself to other people.

It is obvious to struggle with insecurities if you compare your life circumstances with others. Also, you don’t know what others are fighting with what problems. Your life journey is your own; it is better not to be compared with any other to make it smooth.

22. Follow your path.

Be the author of your own story, and never give up. Whatever you do, give your best and choose to feel good about it regardless of the outcome. Be authentic and follow your path, even if others try to steer you differently. It will increase the satisfaction level in your life.

23. Stop procrastinating.

Invest your time in a way that makes your day productive. Please don’t put off important tasks or projects; it can be an energy drag on your psyche.

24. You are responsible for your happiness.

Maybe you are one of those who believe that their happiness is only because of their friends, family, or circumstances. If you are one, then stop robbing yourself of your power. Trust me, nobody is responsible for your happiness but only you. And everyone can grow their happiness and change their circumstances on their own.

25. Surround yourself with productive souls.

Your personality is the blend of the top five people you spend most of the time with. Make sure that these five are positive and uplifting so that they will rub off on you.

26. Practice self-care.

Self-care can be different for everyone, but take some time out every week for yourself for some “me time.” It can be watching your favorite movie or pampering yourself with a spa, but treat yourself each week with something special.

27. Seek happiness in the little things.

Seek happiness in the small things. This small thing can be a funny picture on your Facebook newsfeed or the smell of freshly cut grass. Take pleasure in these little moments.

28. Spend more time with your family.

One of the top regrets of people, as they grow older is not spending enough time with loved ones. Try your best to spend more time with your loved ones.

29. Grin Grin Grin.

Grin! It will help you think better and boost your mood. As per the Studies, smiling tickles the brain’s happiness areas. A small act of smiling can make you feel better.

30. Live the live music.

Live music is something that always uplifts. Also, you will be surrounded by people who enjoy the music, and this group vibe will make you feel better.

31. Move closer to work.

Moving closer to your workspace can bring a significant change in your life. If you decrease the time you spend on your commute, you will feel good about it.

32. Chop off the negative soul.

Negative people are only good for bringing unhappiness into your life. So, chop them off as quickly as possible; even if you can’t cut someone off immediately, at least try to spend less time with them. Their negative energy is toxic for you, your soul, and your life.

33. Welcome other people’s opinions with a grain of salt.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what other people think; the only thing that counts is your feeling. Only you know what’s best for you. What’s best for everyone else must not be best for you.

34. Give Yourself Reality Checks.

You can’t change anything without confronting it. You have to tackle your problems before they control you and your life business.

35. A leap of faith is important.

Take a leap of faith; by doing this, you will figure out what you are capable of becoming and who you are. Must have faith in yourself; it will help you achieve things that are impossible for others.

36. Do not be self-centered.

The problem with focusing much on yourself and your challenges is losing perspective on other aspects of your world. Being laser-focused on yourself can make you miserable and keep you away from enjoying the goodness in your life.

37. Appreciate yourself.

Who else will value you if you don’t even respect yourself? Always think highly of yourself if you want others to appreciate you, too. Learn to accept yourself as you are — including your flaws, weaknesses, and imperfections.

38. Slow down. Stop rushing.

Stop rushing through life, wait for the next thing to happen, and seek patience from that wait time. It does not matter how is the life journey; what really matters is whether you are enjoying the journey or not. Life will not speed up because you want to speed it up.

39. Get unstuck.

If you can’t do anything to change your situation and stay stuck, you are guaranteed to be unhappy. If you want to find happiness again, alter things in your life to achieve what you want to be.

40. Get back to dreaming but not daydreaming.

If you want to be happy again, search for that time in your life when you were content. You may have lost your dreams along the way somewhere. It would help if you had plans to keep you going. It gives you hope, so remind yourself what your dreams used to be and set your life goals accordingly.

41. Order your priorities to be in order.

When your priorities are out of order, it will create chaos in your life and can make you unhappy—If you invest your energy in things that are not essential, you will feel empty and fall short of your potential. Define your values for yourself and learn to align your choices with these guiding principles.

42. Let go of control.

To find happiness, you must stop trying to control the things that you can’t and just let them be. We can’t control everything; work on life to get what you want rather than fighting a losing battle. Stop resisting things you can’t change.

43. Learn to say “NO.”

Stop saying yes to all; say “NO” to things you don’t want to do. Being a people pleaser will not make you happy about yourself. A “NO” will help you gain freedom and give you control over yourself.

44. Put yourself first.

Don’t give up on yourself or on your dreams because of your hectic schedule. Your well-being, mental health, and happiness must be honored. Make yourself a priority. Know your boundaries and ensure that others keep them.

45. Unleash what’s on your mind.

Always remember that everything is possible if you aim for it in your mind. Try to think outside the box to acquire what you want. Please, don’t ever try to talk yourself out of something. Go all in to make yourself happy.

46. Unplug your screen life.

You will never find happiness on your google— you will find it with real people, your loved ones, and real-world experiences. If you want to conquer happiness, stop building your life on social media and connect yourself with real life and the real world around you. Avoid your phone and other gadgets as much as possible and begin to live in this world.

47. Think easy to make things easy.

When you feel down, even the minor things seem like hulk size. Make your activities smaller and more manageable. Take it slow, don’t get overwhelmed.

48. Grow Strong Mentally.

Good mental strength will allow you to cope with the highs and lows of life. Coming out of your tough times with something worthwhile helps you grow strong mentally. You have to believe that you will bounce back once the night is over; embrace your inner strength.

49. Learn from the lesson.

Life’s most important lessons are often learned in the dark times or from your blunders. Accept your mistakes, learn your lessons, be grateful, and move on.

50. Find your courage.

Having courage means you are willing to take any risk and ready to take the next step at any cost. Always dare to do what you are afraid to do.

51. Don’t treat your feelings with shame or self-judgment.

Shaming or harshly judging yourself for your unhappy feelings doesn’t do anything to diminish them. It will only make you feel worse about yourself. Acknowledge that your feelings are valid while working to heal them and get to the other side of them.

52. Don’t always demand the best.

There are two types of decisions that you can make. One is deciding on something that meets your criteria. The second is making the best possible decision. Often just making the decision that meets your criteria, even if it isn’t “the best” available, saves you time, energy, and stress.

53. Accept change.

You will never become what you need to be if you constantly stay who you are. Life will change not because you want it to but because growing along with it is optional.

54. Lose yourself in the things you love.

You will find yourself there too, when you lose yourself in something you love. If you have a passion for something, pursue it.

55. Give compliments left and right.

If you make someone smile or feel good, it will bounce back and make you feel good about yourself. Even if you don’t love your co-worker’s shirt, you can pretend you do for a few seconds and offer a compliment.

56. Declutter your life.

Get organized, eliminate your clutter, and rearrange your living or workspace to make it feel new. It may also inspire you to move forward with future projects.

57. Stick with it.

You did not get to this unhappy place in one day. Similarly, you won’t get to a happier place in one day. Make the necessary efforts, and you will notice results, even if it takes some time.

58. Acknowledge your progress.

It can be easy to criticize your abilities and progress, especially if you have a co-occurring issue such as anxiety that worsens this behavior. It is vital to acknowledge every new and good thing that comes into your life.

59. Start slowly.

Often, depression leads to a sedentary lifestyle, which can make you stop practicing healthy habits. Don’t assume that you will jump right back into your normal activities. Give yourself the time you need to return to your usual self slowly. It is healthy to push yourself, but not too hard.

60. Stop choosing to do nothing.

Every day gives you a new chance to make a choice. Choose to take a new perspective on life. Choose to change your thoughts from negative to positive. Choose to be proud of your work. Dare to live your life on your terms.

Final Thoughts

Do any of these resonate with you? It is your time to start if you want to be happy again. I would start with more than one of these because they are all small steps to making a significant change. Because they are easy to incorporate into your life, start with two or three and see where it takes you.