5 Things Your Gynecologist Wishes You Would Stop Doing

5 Things Your Gynecologist Wishes You Would Stop Doing

Being a grown-ass woman seeing the gynecologist is a wave of panic. We all try our best to avoid this appointment, but there’s no other safer place to talk about all those embarrassing things you’ve been dying to know about as most of us are not comfortable to ask your friends or family. Agree or not, a gynecologist does care about your comfort and wants you to feel at ease when you come in for your next appointment. When visiting a gynecologist time after time, we make such mistakes that keep us away from getting the best possible care. Here’s what your gynecologist wishes you’d stop doing:

Using Tampons and Pads For Too Long

change pad
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We, women, have a love-hate relationship with our periods. To ensure comfort and protection during those days, we use different types of period supplies like tampons, pads, menstrual cups, etc. But do you know using tampons and pads for more than six hours is unhealthy? You should change them after every three to four hours. Otherwise, you may invite unwanted infections like vaginal infections, urinary infections, or rashes. This rule is applied even if the flow isn’t heavy but spotting.

Following Poor Hygiene

Following Poor Hygiene
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We suck and smell more during menstruation. So, how to control it? First, please take a shower regularly and make it a habit. If you make it a habit, you will not only control the body odor, but it will make you feel good and clean during those days. Secondly, wear clean clothes every day. Follow good hygienic practices when you go to the washroom, and give extra attention to cleanliness when you’re menstruating.

Wearing Clothes That Are Too Tight

Wearing Clothes That Are Too Tight
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Let your vagina breathe and give it some space, ladies! Stop wearing panties or pants that are tight. If you don’t wear breathable clothing, the wetness and sweat in the area can attract many infections’ attention instead of others. Also, do you like to be uncomfortable? Just be honest, please! No! Right? Tight underwear and pants can make not very uncomfortable, but they also make the sensitive skin in your private area rub against each other and might result in painful rashes; isn’t it sound painful? Ouch! Do you want to avoid it? Then always wear clothes that are loose or fit perfectly.

Using Harsh Chemicals In Your Ladies Part

Using Harsh Chemicals In Your Ladies Part
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We fall for fancy packaging and advertisements that lure us into buying harmful products for our lady parts, not often, but very often. It’s best to avoid use soap in there, and it will be better if use a genital wash recommended by your doctor. Before purchasing and using such products, always consult a medical expert.

Not Consulting A Gynecologist When Necessary

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Many women shy away from consulting a gynecologist. It is due to either the first-time discomfort they feel or the taboo attached to reproductive health. Even these include such sensitive beings who consult doctors for even a cold. It can be dangerous for you since infections and problems regarding your reproductive parts need medical attention, like another part of your body.