15 Ways To Look On Top Of Your Game Even Without Makeup!


Putting on makeup can be super fun, and it can give us a boost in confidence… But it is also quite addictive. Once we get used to it, it is hard to go natural.

It is possible to feel beautiful in our skin without makeup! Below are some tips to help you get there.

That is if you want to. If you don’t, keep rocking that amazing makeup, girl!

Take care of your skin.

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It is the most important thing. Even if you are using makeup, it makes a difference in how healthy your skin is. Clean your face daily, and then remember to do a deep clean once a week. It can be a steam bath, a peeling, or a moisturizing mask. Simple but very effective!

Be willing to spend some money on skincare products.

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Of course, cheap makeup is dangerous as well. However, pick high-quality skincare and low-quality makeup products over the other day.

Cut down gradually.

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If you are a person who uses over ten makeup items, then it would be pretty hard for you to go down to 0 all of a sudden. So, cut down slowly. Maybe choose one; either powder or start with a foundation. Cut down eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara.

Get professional help with your eyebrows

landscape 1426543710 costume nat bbt f14 011Nowadays, it is hard to skip the eyebrow pencil. To let that one go, you need symmetrical and healthy eyebrows. Spend some money on getting your eyebrows professionally threaded. You can even consider micro-blading or other permanent makeup options if that doesn’t work.

Consider permanent makeup!

permanent makeup maintanance aftercare
I can hear you say, “Ummm… It isn’t “no makeup” if I have permanent makeup on?” Well, this can be the best way to feel good about your face without worrying about the time; it takes every day to make it look that way. You can at least get your signature makeup item done for you -the eyelashes or the eyeliner.

Get your eyebrows and eyelashes to be thicker.

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Easy to say but challenging to get in real life. But it is possible. Suppose you can commit to using serums and oils specially designed to help you get those long, dark, and full lashes you want. Believe me; you will see an undeniable change in just a couple of weeks!

Sleep well!

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It is okay for the bags under your eyes. And perfect for your skin health.

Use non-makeup help!

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Shiny and big eyes don’t require makeup. Consider using eye drops for shine and eyelash curlers to shape your lashes. Also, just combing your eyebrows can make a huge difference!

Drink lots of water!

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We sometimes forget what a difference this one makes! So, find ways to remember. Consider setting up a reminder on your phone to remind you to drink more water.

Take care of your lips.

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Brush them, apply peeling to them, and moisturize them. Vaseline can help you make them look moist and voluminous! If you still want some color, consider using tinted lip balms rather than lipsticks.

Show off your white teeth!

Faceta de porcelana Banner
You want a beautiful smile, whether with makeup or not! You can cheat a little with makeup by choosing lipstick colors that make your teeth look whiter. Without makeup, you can still use natural remedies to help your teeth or try a toothpaste that promises to whiten your teeth extra.

Choose skincare products with a tint!

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Many moisturizers and BB creams are tinted. A way to cut down on your makeup is to choose those products. Remember that they also have special under-eye BB creams you can try.

Use glasses.

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If you already need and use them, that’s great. If not, maybe try to get some glasses to put on for style! It can add a lot to your face.

Take good care of your hair!

Your hair is the accessory around your face! If your hair color makes your skin look pale, consider changing the color or adding some shine to it. With healthy hair, you can rock your makeup-free face!

Pay attention to what you wear!

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Try new everyday combinations that you feel comfortable with. When you like your clothes, you are more likely to smile and shine with all your beauty!! Don’t say, “What good clothes when you don’t have the make-up to wear?” You will be surprised!